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Requirements Traceability

Link requirements to designs, code, and tests, specify relationships, add markup, review traceability to models and code, check consistency

Create requirement links to establish traceability to model elements, test cases, test harnesses, MATLAB® code lines, data dictionaries, Stateflow® elements, System Composer™ architecture models, and other requirements. Specify the link type to convey the nature of the relationship, such as a model element that implements a functional requirement or a test harness that verifies a test specification requirement. Create custom requirement and link types to extend the default linking capabilities.

Use the Requirements Editor to create and view links, and use the Requirements Perspective to view requirements in the model context.


Requirements EditorCreate and edit requirements


Profile EditorCreate and manage profiles with stereotypes and properties


slreq.LinkSet Work with link sets
slreq.LinkTraceable link


slreq.TextRangeLine range (Since R2022b)
slreq.matrix.ConfigurationTraceability matrix configuration (Since R2024a)
slreq.matrix.FilterFilter for traceability matrix (Since R2024a)


setDestination Set requirement link destination
setSource Set requirement link source


expand all

slreq.createLinkCreate traceable links
slreq.createTextRangeCreate line ranges (Since R2022b)
slreq.getExternalURLGet navigation URL for link source or destination, requirement, test or Simulink model element (Since R2021a)
slreq.getDependentLinkSetsRetrieve link sets with incoming links to requirement set (Since R2023a)
slreq.getIncomingLinkTypeLabelRetrieve incoming link type label (Since R2023a)
slreq.getOutgoingLinkTypeLabelRetrieve outgoing link type label (Since R2023a)
slreq.getTextRangeGet line ranges (Since R2022b)
slreq.inLinksGet incoming links for requirement or other linkable item
slreq.outLinksGet outgoing links for a block or other linkable item
slreq.findFind requirement, reference, and link set artifacts
slreq.generateTraceabilityDiagramCreate a traceability diagram (Since R2021b)
slreq.generateTraceabilityMatrixCreate traceability matrix (Since R2021a)
slreq.getTraceabilityMatrixOptionsCreate options structure for traceability matrix (Since R2021a)
slreq.openRequirementsManagerOpen Requirements Manager app in model (Since R2021a)
slreq.closeRequirementsManagerClose Requirements Manager app in model (Since R2021a)
slreq.refreshCustomizationsRegister Requirements Toolbox customizations (Since R2022a)
slreq.structToObjConvert link source or destination information from structure to model object type
slreq.cmConfigureVersionSet version of linked requirements documents (Since R2019b)
slreq.cmGetVersionGet configured version of linked requirements documents (Since R2019b)
slreq.showNavigate to link source or destination (Since R2020a)
slreq.loadLoad requirement set or link set
slreq.clearClear requirements and links from memory
slreq.mapGet or set path to link set file


Create Links

Trace Requirements to Generated Code

Visualize, Manage, and Troubleshoot Links

Link with Third-Party Applications