Networks and Layers Supported for Code Generation
MATLAB® Coder™ supports code generation for series, directed acyclic graph (DAG), and recurrent convolutional neural networks (CNNs or ConvNets). You can generate code for any trained neural network whose layers are supported for code generation. See Supported Layers.
Supported Pretrained Networks
The following pretrained networks, available in Deep Learning Toolbox™, are supported for code generation. Support can have limitations, for more information, see the extended capabilities section on the reference page.
Network Name | Description | Intel® MKL-DNN | ARM® Compute Library |
AlexNet | AlexNet convolutional neural network. For the pretrained
AlexNet model, see | Yes | Yes |
DarkNet | DarkNet-19 and DarkNet-53 convolutional neural networks. For the
pretrained DarkNet models, see darknet19 (Deep Learning Toolbox) and darknet53 (Deep Learning Toolbox). | Yes | Yes |
DenseNet-201 | DenseNet-201 convolutional neural network. For the pretrained
DenseNet-201 model, see | Yes | Yes |
EfficientNet-b0 | EfficientNet-b0 convolutional neural network. For the
pretrained EfficientNet-b0 model, see | Yes | Yes |
GoogLeNet | GoogLeNet convolutional neural network. For the pretrained
GoogLeNet model, see | Yes | Yes |
Inception-ResNet-v2 | Inception-ResNet-v2 convolutional neural network. For the
pretrained Inception-ResNet-v2 model, see | Yes | Yes |
Inception-v3 | Inception-v3 convolutional neural network. For the pretrained
Inception-v3 model, see inceptionv3 (Deep Learning Toolbox). | Yes | Yes |
MobileNet-v2 | MobileNet-v2 convolutional neural network. For the pretrained
MobileNet-v2 model, see | Yes | Yes |
NASNet-Large | NASNet-Large convolutional neural network. For the pretrained
NASNet-Large model, see | Yes | Yes |
NASNet-Mobile | NASNet-Mobile convolutional neural network. For the pretrained
NASNet-Mobile model, see | Yes | Yes |
ResNet | ResNet-18, ResNet-50, and ResNet-101 convolutional neural
networks. For the pretrained ResNet models, see | Yes | Yes |
SegNet | Multi-class pixelwise segmentation network. For more
information, see | Yes | No |
SqueezeNet | Small, deep neural network. For the pretrained SqeezeNet
models, see | Yes | Yes |
VGG-16 | VGG-16 convolutional neural network. For the pretrained VGG-16
model, see | Yes | Yes |
VGG-19 | VGG-19 convolutional neural network. For the pretrained VGG-19
model, see | Yes | Yes |
Xception | Xception convolutional neural network. For the pretrained
Xception model, see | Yes | Yes |
Supported Layers
The following layers are supported for code generation by MATLAB Coder for the target deep learning libraries specified in the table.
Once you install the support package MATLAB Coder Interface for Deep Learning, you can use analyzeNetworkForCodegen
to see if a network is compatible for code generation for a specific deep learning library. For example:
result = analyzeNetworkForCodegen(mobilenetv2,TargetLibrary = 'mkldnn')
Starting in R2022b, check the code generation compatibility of a deep learning network by using the analyzeNetworkForCodegen
function. coder.getDeepLearningLayers
is not recommended.
Layer Name | Description | Generic C/C++ | Intel MKL-DNN | ARM Compute Library |
additionLayer (Deep Learning Toolbox) | Addition layer | Yes | Yes | Yes |
anchorBoxLayer (Computer Vision Toolbox) | Anchor box layer | Yes | Yes | Yes |
attentionLayer (Deep Learning Toolbox) | Dot-product attention layer
| Yes | ||
averagePooling1dLayer (Deep Learning Toolbox) | 1-D average pooling layer | Yes | ||
averagePooling2dLayer (Deep Learning Toolbox) | Average pooling layer
| Yes | Yes | Yes |
batchNormalizationLayer (Deep Learning Toolbox) | Batch normalization layer | Yes | Yes | Yes |
bilstmLayer (Deep Learning Toolbox) | Bidirectional LSTM layer | Yes | Yes | Yes |
classificationLayer (Deep Learning Toolbox) | Create classification output layer | Yes | Yes | Yes |
clippedReluLayer (Deep Learning Toolbox) | Clipped Rectified Linear Unit (ReLU) layer | Yes | Yes | Yes |
concatenationLayer (Deep Learning Toolbox) | Concatenation layer | Yes | Yes | Yes |
convolution1dLayer (Deep Learning Toolbox) | 1-D convolutional layer | Yes | ||
convolution2dLayer (Deep Learning Toolbox) | 2-D convolution layer
| Yes | Yes | Yes |
crop2dLayer (Deep Learning Toolbox) | Layer that applies 2-D cropping to the input | No | Yes | Yes |
CrossChannelNormalizationLayer (Deep Learning Toolbox) | Channel-wise local response normalization layer | No | Yes | Yes |
Custom layers | Custom layers, with or without learnable parameters, that you define for your problem. See:
The outputs of the custom layer must be fixed-size arrays. Custom layers in sequence networks are supported for generic C/C++ code generation only. For code generation, custom layers must
contain the You
can pass
For unsupported
function Z = predict(layer, X) if'MATLAB') Z = doPredict(X); else if isdlarray(X) X1 = extractdata(X); Z1 = doPredict(X1); Z = dlarray(Z1); else Z = doPredict(X); end end end | Yes Custom layers in sequence networks are supported for generic C/C++ code generation only. | Yes | Yes |
Custom output layers | All output layers
including custom classification or regression output layers
created by using
For an example showing how to define a custom classification output layer and specify a loss function, see Define Custom Classification Output Layer (Deep Learning Toolbox). For an example showing how to define a custom regression output layer and specify a loss function, see Define Custom Regression Output Layer (Deep Learning Toolbox). | Yes | Yes | Yes |
depthConcatenationLayer (Deep Learning Toolbox) | Depth concatenation layer | Yes | Yes | Yes |
depthToSpace2dLayer (Image Processing Toolbox) | 2-D depth to space layer | Yes | Yes | Yes |
dicePixelClassificationLayer (Computer Vision Toolbox) | A Dice pixel classification layer provides a categorical label for each image pixel or voxel using generalized Dice loss. | No | Yes | Yes |
dropoutLayer (Deep Learning Toolbox) | Dropout layer | Yes | Yes | Yes |
eluLayer (Deep Learning Toolbox) | Exponential linear unit (ELU) layer | Yes | Yes | Yes |
embeddingConcatenationLayer (Deep Learning Toolbox) | Embedding concatenation layer | Yes | ||
featureInputLayer (Deep Learning Toolbox) | Feature input layer | Yes | Yes | Yes |
flattenLayer (Deep Learning Toolbox) | Flatten layer | Yes | Yes | Yes |
focalLossLayer (Computer Vision Toolbox) | A focal loss layer predicts object classes using focal loss. | Yes | Yes | Yes |
fullyConnectedLayer (Deep Learning Toolbox) | Fully connected layer | Yes | Yes | Yes |
geluLayer (Deep Learning Toolbox) | Gaussian error linear unit (GELU) layer | Yes | Yes | Yes |
globalAveragePooling1dLayer (Deep Learning Toolbox) | 1-D global average pooling layer | Yes | ||
globalAveragePooling2dLayer (Deep Learning Toolbox) | Global average pooling layer for spatial data | Yes | Yes | Yes |
globalMaxPooling1dLayer (Deep Learning Toolbox) | 1-D global max pooling layer | Yes | ||
globalMaxPooling2dLayer (Deep Learning Toolbox) | 2-D global max pooling layer | Yes | Yes | Yes |
| 2-D grouped convolutional layer
| No | Yes | Yes
| Group normalization layer | Yes | Yes | Yes |
| Gated recurrent unit (GRU) layer | Yes | Yes | Yes |
| GRU projected layer | Yes | No | No |
imageInputLayer (Deep Learning Toolbox) | Image input layer
| Yes | Yes | Yes |
indexing1dLayer (Deep Learning Toolbox) | 1-D indexing layer | Yes | ||
layerNormalizationLayer (Deep Learning Toolbox) | Layer normalization layer | Yes | Yes | Yes |
leakyReluLayer (Deep Learning Toolbox) | Leaky Rectified Linear Unit (ReLU) layer | Yes | Yes | Yes |
lstmLayer (Deep Learning Toolbox) | Long short-term memory (LSTM) layer | Yes | Yes | Yes |
lstmProjectedLayer (Deep Learning Toolbox) | LSTM projected layer | Yes | No | No |
maxPooling1dLayer (Deep Learning Toolbox) | 1-D max pooling layer | Yes | ||
maxPooling2dLayer (Deep Learning Toolbox) | Max pooling layer If equal max values exists
along the off-diagonal in a kernel window, implementation
differences for the | Yes | Yes | Yes |
maxUnpooling2dLayer (Deep Learning Toolbox) | Max unpooling layer If equal max values exists
along the off-diagonal in a kernel window, implementation
differences for the | No | Yes | No |
multiplicationLayer (Deep Learning Toolbox) | Multiplication layer | Yes | Yes | Yes |
patchEmbeddingLayer (Computer Vision Toolbox) | Patch embedding layer
| Yes | ||
pixelClassificationLayer (Computer Vision Toolbox) | Create pixel classification layer for semantic segmentation | No | Yes | Yes |
positionEmbeddingLayer (Deep Learning Toolbox) | Maps sequential or spatial indices to vectors. | Yes | ||
rcnnBoxRegressionLayer (Computer Vision Toolbox) | Box regression layer for Fast and Faster R-CNN | Yes | Yes | Yes |
rpnClassificationLayer (Computer Vision Toolbox) | Classification layer for region proposal networks (RPNs) | No | Yes | Yes |
regressionLayer (Deep Learning Toolbox) | Create a regression output layer | Yes | Yes | Yes |
reluLayer (Deep Learning Toolbox) | Rectified Linear Unit (ReLU) layer | Yes | Yes | Yes |
resize2dLayer (Image Processing Toolbox) | 2-D resize layer | Yes | Yes | Yes |
scalingLayer (Reinforcement Learning Toolbox) | Scaling layer for actor or critic network | Yes | Yes | Yes |
selfAttentionLayer (Deep Learning Toolbox) | Self-attention layer
| Yes | ||
sigmoidLayer (Deep Learning Toolbox) | Sigmoid layer | Yes | Yes | Yes |
sequenceFoldingLayer (Deep Learning Toolbox) | Sequence folding layer | No | Yes | Yes |
sequenceInputLayer (Deep Learning Toolbox) | Sequence input layer
| Yes | Yes | Yes |
sequenceUnfoldingLayer (Deep Learning Toolbox) | Sequence unfolding layer | No | Yes | Yes |
softmaxLayer (Deep Learning Toolbox) | Softmax layer | Yes | Yes | Yes |
softplusLayer (Reinforcement Learning Toolbox) | Softplus layer for actor or critic network | Yes | Yes | Yes |
spaceToDepthLayer (Image Processing Toolbox) | Space to depth layer | No | Yes | Yes |
ssdMergeLayer (Computer Vision Toolbox) | SSD merge layer for object detection | Yes | Yes | Yes |
swishLayer (Deep Learning Toolbox) | Swish layer | Yes | Yes | Yes |
| Clips the input between the upper and lower bounds | Yes | Yes | Yes |
| Flattens activations into 1-D assuming C-style (row-major) order | Yes | Yes | Yes |
nnet.keras.layer.GlobalAveragePooling2dLayer | Global average pooling layer for spatial data | Yes | Yes | Yes |
| Parametric rectified linear unit | Yes | Yes | Yes |
| Sigmoid activation layer | Yes | Yes | Yes |
| Hyperbolic tangent activation layer | Yes | Yes | Yes |
| Flatten a sequence of input image into a sequence of vector, assuming C-style (or row-major) storage ordering of the input layer | Yes | Yes | Yes |
| Zero padding layer for 2-D input | Yes | Yes | Yes |
| Clips the input between the upper and lower bounds | Yes | Yes | Yes |
nnet.onnx.layer.ElementwiseAffineLayer | Layer that performs element-wise scaling of the input followed by an addition | Yes | Yes | Yes |
| Flattens a MATLAB 2D image batch in the way ONNX does, producing a
2D output array with | Yes | Yes | Yes |
| Flatten layer for ONNX™ network | Yes | Yes | Yes |
| Global average pooling layer for spatial data | Yes | Yes | Yes |
| Layer that implements ONNX identity operator | Yes | Yes | Yes |
| Parametric rectified linear unit | Yes | Yes | Yes |
| Sigmoid activation layer | Yes | Yes | Yes |
| Hyperbolic tangent activation layer | Yes | Yes | Yes |
| Verify fixed batch size | Yes | Yes | Yes |
| Hyperbolic tangent (tanh) layer | Yes | Yes | Yes |
| Transposed 2-D convolution layer Code
generation does not support asymmetric cropping of the input.
For example, specifying a vector | No | Yes | Yes |
| A word embedding layer maps word indices to vectors
| Yes | Yes | Yes |
| Output layer for YOLO v2 object detection network | No | Yes | Yes |
| Transform layer for YOLO v2 object detection network | No | Yes | Yes |
Supported Classes
Class | Description | Generic C/C++ | Intel MKL-DNN | ARM Compute Library |
DAGNetwork (Deep Learning Toolbox) | Directed acyclic graph (DAG) network for deep learning
| Yes | Yes | Yes |
dlnetwork (Deep Learning Toolbox) | Deep learning network for custom training loops
| Yes | Yes | Yes |
SeriesNetwork (Deep Learning Toolbox) | Series network for deep learning
| Yes | Yes | Yes |
| Detect objects using YOLO v2 object detector
| No | Yes | Yes |
| Detect objects using YOLO v3 object detector
| Yes | Yes | Yes |
yolov4ObjectDetector (Computer Vision Toolbox) | Detect objects using YOLO v4 object detector
| Yes | Yes | Yes |
yoloxObjectDetector (Computer Vision Toolbox) | Detect objects using YOLOX object detector
| No | Yes | Yes |
ssdObjectDetector (Computer Vision Toolbox) | Object to detect objects using the SSD-based detector.
| Yes | Yes | Yes |
| PointPillars network to detect objects in lidar point clouds
| No | Yes | Yes |
Code Generation
You can use Deep Learning Toolbox in tandem with the Deep Learning Toolbox Model Quantization Library support package to reduce the memory footprint of a deep neural network by quantizing the weights, biases, and activations of convolution layers to 8-bit scaled integer data types. Then, you can use MATLAB Coder to generate optimized code for the network. See Generate int8 Code for Deep Learning Networks.
Related Topics
- Pretrained Deep Neural Networks (Deep Learning Toolbox)
- Learn About Convolutional Neural Networks (Deep Learning Toolbox)
- Workflow for Deep Learning Code Generation with MATLAB Coder