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Dashboard in Polyspace Desktop User Interface

This topic focuses on the Polyspace® desktop user interface. To learn about the equivalent pane in the Polyspace Access web interface, see Dashboard in Polyspace Access Web Interface (Polyspace Access).

The Dashboard pane provides statistics on the analysis results in a graphical format.

When you open a results file in Polyspace, this pane is displayed by default. You can view the following graphs:

Code Covered by Analysis

bar graph from Polyspace Desktop user interface dashboard showing code covered by analysis

From this graph you can obtain the following information:

  • Files: Ratio of analyzed files to total number of files. If a file contains a compilation error, Polyspace Bug Finder™ does not analyze the file.

    If some of your files were only partially analyzed because of compilation errors, this pane contains a link stating that some files failed to compile. To see the compilation errors, click the link and navigate to the Output Summary pane.

  • Functions: Ratio of analyzed functions to total number of functions in the analyzed files. If the analysis of a function takes longer than a certain threshold value, Polyspace Bug Finder does not analyze the function.

Defect Distribution by Impact

Pie chart showing defect distrobution by impact. Impact can be High, Medium, or Low.

From this pie chart, you can obtain a graphical visualization of the defect distribution by impact. You can find at a glance whether the defects that Polyspace Bug Finder found in your code are low-impact defects. For more information on impact, see Classification of Defects by Impact.

Defect Distribution by Category or File

Bar graph showing defect distribution by category

From this graph you can obtain the following information.

Top 10

The ten defect types with the highest number of individual defects.

  • Each column represents a defect type and is divided into the:

    • File with highest number of defects of this type.

    • File with second highest number of defects of this type.

    • All other files with defects of this type.

    Place your cursor on a column to see the file name and number of defects of this type in this file.

  • The x-axis represents the number of defects.

Use this view to organize your check review starting at defect types with more individual defects.

The ten source files with the highest number of defects.

  • Each column represents a file and is divided into the:

    • Defect type with highest number of defects in this file.

    • Defect type with second highest number of defects in this file.

    • All other defect types in this file.

    Place your cursor on a column to see the defect type name and number of defects of this type in this file.

  • The x-axis represents the number of defects.

Use this view to organize your check review starting at files with more defects.

Bottom 10

The ten defect types with the lowest number of individual defects. Each column on the graph is divided the same way as the Top 10 defect types.

Use this view to organize your check review starting at defect types with fewer individual defects.

The ten source files with the lowest number of defects. Each column on the graph is divided the same way as the Top 10 files.

Use this view to organize your check review starting at files with fewer defects.

Coding Rule Violations by Rule or File

Bar graph showing the number of MISRA C:2012 violations by rule. The graph only shows the top 10 rules with the most violations.

For every type of coding rule that you check (MISRA™, JSF®, or custom), the Dashboard contains a graph of the rule violations.

From this graph you can obtain the following information.

Top 10

The ten rules with the highest number of violations.

  • Each column represents a rule number and is divided into the:

    • File with highest number of violations of this rule.

    • File with second highest number of violations of this rule.

    • All other files with violations of this rule.

    Place your cursor on a column to see the file name and number of violations of this rule in the file.

  • The x-axis represents the number of rule violations.

Use this view to organize your review starting at rules with more violations.

The ten source files containing the highest number of violations.

  • Each column represents a file and is divided into the:

    • Rule with highest number of violations in this file.

    • Rule with second highest number of violations in this file.

    • All other rules violated in this file.

    Place your cursor on a column to see the rule number and number of violations of the rule in this file.

  • The x-axis represents the number of rule violations.

Use this view to organize your review starting at files with more rule violations.

Bottom 10

The ten rules with the lowest number of violations. Each column on the graph is divided in the same way as the Top 10 rules.

Use this view to organize your review starting at rules with fewer violations.

The ten source files containing the lowest number of rule violations. Each column on the graph is divided in the same way as the Top 10 files.

Use this view to organize your review starting at files with fewer rule violations.

Other Dashboard Features

You can also perform the following actions on this pane:

  • Filter results from the Results List pane.

    Click the graphs on the Dashboard pane to narrow down the results list to the results shown by the graphical elements. For instance, you can click on the high-impact section of the defect distribution pie chart to see only defects with high impact. For all the ways you can filter results, see Filter and Group Results in Polyspace Desktop User Interface.

  • View the configuration used to obtain the result.

    Click the Configuration link on the Dashboard pane to open a read-only form of the configuration. For more information on the options in the Configuration pane, see Complete List of Polyspace Bug Finder Analysis Engine Options.

  • View the modeling of the multitasking configuration of your code.

    Click the Concurrency modeling link on the Dashboard pane to see all entry points to your program. For a description of the Concurrency modeling pane, see Concurrency modeling.