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Design, simulate, test, and deploy safety and mission critical systems

MATLAB® and Simulink® enable engineering organizations in aerospace and defense to develop, analyze, and certify complex aerospace systems. Use MathWorks® aerospace products to:

  • Model and simulate flight vehicles and spacecraft.

  • Incorporate environment models.

  • Design guidance navigation and control systems.

  • Perform stability analysis, flight analysis, and mission analysis.

  • Verify that software projects comply with industry standards.


Modeling and Simulation of Flight Vehicles and Spacecraft

Environment Models

Guidance, Navigation and Control, and Stability Analysis

Flight Analysis and Mission Analysis

Flight Visualization

  • Visualization Tools (Aerospace Toolbox)
    View vehicle dynamics in 3-D flight paths and trajectories, create Apps with flight instruments, and transform coordinate axes.
  • Visualization Tools (Aerospace Blockset)
    View flight paths with MATLAB graphics-based 3DoF and 6DoF animation blocks, scenarios using Unreal Engine®, or flight simulator animation; input data to models; display measurements through standard cockpit instruments.
  • Visualize and Play Back MAVLink Flight Log (UAV Toolbox)
    Load a telemetry log (TLOG) containing MAVLink packets into MATLAB®.

System Certification