MATLAB Support for MinGW-w64 C/C++/Fortran Compiler

Install the MinGW-w64 C/C++ compiler for Windows
Updated 20 Mar 2024

Editor's Note: Popular File 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020

This support package is currently unable to download third-party software for MATLAB R2017a and earlier versions. To install MinGW, complete the workaround instructions in the Bug Report, then return to this page and follow the instructions for R2017b and later.

MATLAB R2017b and later versions are unaffected.

MinGW-w64 is a compiler suite for Windows based on the GNU tool chain. It includes a GCC compiler and related tools for compiling C and C++ applications for Windows. C and C++ applications compiled with MinGW-w64 GCC can be called from MATLAB using MEX. This GCC compiler can also be helpful for other MathWorks products that require a C or C++ compiler.
MinGW Version support: 8.1 R23a-R24a; 6.3 R18-R22b; 5.3 R17b-R18a; 4.9.2 R15b-R17a. Language Support: R15b-R23b C, C++; R24a C, C++, Fortran. Source: R17b-R24a; R15b-R17a; Install instructions: R23b-R24a 8.1 and R23a 8.1 and R18-R22b 6.3 and  R17b-R18a 5.3 “Select the Download button, above, then double click on the file or drag it into the MATLAB Command Window to install.”; R23a 8.1 and R23b-R24a 6.3 “Must be configured manually. See notes below for instructions.”; R15b-R17a 4.9.2 “Complete the workaround instructions in the Bug Report, then return to this page and follow the instructions for R2017b and later.”
R2023b and later: MinGW 6.3 must be configured manually. MinGW 6.3 can be downloaded from here.
R2023a: MinGW 8.1 must be configured manually. MinGW 8.1 can be downloaded from here.
Follow instructions on this page to configure MinGW 6.3 or 8.1 as a MEX compiler.
FAQ: This link provides answers to some frequently asked questions.
See additional information on installing this compiler at:
Learn more about other compilers supported by MathWorks Products at:
If you are having difficulty installing, please contact Technical Support or see MATLAB Answers:
MATLAB Release Compatibility
Created with R2015b
Compatible with R2015b to R2024a
Platform Compatibility
Windows macOS (Apple silicon) macOS (Intel) Linux
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